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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Scratch That

• November 26, 2012

Scratch is a useful tool for artistic individuals to create their own pieces of work. However, I honestly was not impressed with the quality of the program as portrayed in the video “Intro to Scratch.” The artwork looks like something one can produce with the program Paint, and I feel there are other programs which […]

The Importance of Archiving Tragedy

• November 18, 2012

Archives are an important asset to studying history and preserving the past because they provide more concrete samples of information to analyze. I like to think of archives as a physical version of notes, since they are the most legitimate form of original source material. Archiving tragic events of the past, such as the Virginia […]

Exploring Through Data Mining

• November 12, 2012

The term “data mining” is an accurate description of the process. It draws a good analogy between mining for coal and searching through data for key information. I personally feel that of the two methods discussed in Cohen’s article “From Babel to Knowledge: Data Mining Large Digital Collections,” the QA H-bot method is a more […]

Analyzing the “Point” in Powerpoint

• November 2, 2012

Upon reading the title of Edward Tufte’s article “Powerpoint is Evil,” I was intially taken back. I am not the biggest fan of powerpoint presentations, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call them “evil.” However, after reading his article, Tufte does make a valid argument as to why they are corrupt and serve […]

A Virtual Diary

• October 27, 2012

Not much changes from day to day. But when you look back on your life after some time has passed, things seem completely different. For this reason, I think it’s cool idea to document your life as time progresses. The Feltron reports are an innovative way of documenting one’s life over the course of a […]

Different Shades of Slavery

• October 22, 2012

Two Different Dimensions While analyzing the institution of slavery in the United States, it is apparent that its development varied throughout the nation. By focusing on two different communities– one in the North and one in the South– we can get an idea of how its implications were subject to change. The processes behind slavery […]

The Many Branches of Google

• October 15, 2012

Google is one of the most widely used search engines, to the point that it has become a part of today’s vocabulary. Telling someone to “google it” is common, and one would not think twice after hearing that statement. They simply would visit Google and type in a term, phrase, or question, only to be […]

The Vulnerability of Digital Living

• September 30, 2012

Our lives are a lot more convenient with the plethora of ways to digitally store information. E-mails save time, money, and paper, however if there is no hard copy they can be lost. The vulnerability of the digital world mirrors the uncertainty of the future. Technological advances make our lives easier but can also be […]

Borrowing from the Past

• September 23, 2012

Do Copyright laws matter? The evolution of The Winstons’ groundbreaking “Amen break,” as discussed in the youtube video, is an ideal example of how at this point in time, very few innovations are actually “new.” Innovations are often built off of other ideas, making it hard and nearly impossible to develop something original. This lack […]

Validating a Wikipedia Article

• September 20, 2012

For my research topic I have decided to explore how the increase of technology within the past twenty years has promoted globalization. Throughout this discussion I also plan on naming the pros and cons of the globalization process. One of the cons I would like to expand on is the lack of privacy people have […]