The Vulnerability of Digital Living
Our lives are a lot more convenient with the plethora of ways to digitally store information. E-mails save time, money, and paper, however if there is no hard copy they can be lost. The vulnerability of the digital world mirrors the uncertainty of the future. Technological advances make our lives easier but can also be the cause of great distress, as was the case for Mat Honan, victim of digital hacking. His story can be found here.
The most frustrating part, I feel, about his experience with a 19-year-old hacker was that there was no reason behind the hacking. In the aim conversation Honan had with the “Phobia,” the hacker, Phobia claimed “idk my goal is to get it out there to other people so eventually every1 can over come hackers.” If I were in Honan’s shoes I would find that to be the most frustrating and disappointing aspect of the whole experience. Much of our important information exists digtially, and the fact that a tecnologically-savvy 19-year-old can erase all of it on a whim is unsettling.
Honan claims he is mostly angry with himself for not backing up all of his data- which I completely understand. I would be disappointed in myself too if I had encountered such a situation. But there is something to be said about the security provided by Apple for allowing a hacking such as this to occur. I personally would be equally frusrtated with myself, Apple, “Phobia,” and the fragitility of the digital world. Occurances such as this make me realize I will probably be considered a luddite when I’m older.
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