Scratch That
Scratch is a useful tool for artistic individuals to create their own pieces of work. However, I honestly was not impressed with the quality of the program as portrayed in the video “Intro to Scratch.” The artwork looks like something one can produce with the program Paint, and I feel there are other programs which could develop clearer images. While Scratch has a good concept and many possibilities, I believe there is room for improvement for the project. Even the use of high definition pictures would give a better appearance to the program and would appear more professional.
The video “Intro to Scratch” used to promote the program does not intrigue the audience. There is poor use of advertising and depictions of the program. The video is filled with vague descriptions such as the following: “Scratch is used by all different kinds of people all over the world to make all different kinds of projects.” Not only is that description vague, but it sounds like a third grader wrote it. Using more advanced language would make the program appear more advanced and intriguing.
“I love drawing stuff. I especially liked drawing this picture because it was really fun.” Once again, a third grader could have written that statement. While the program is probably useful for making games, videos, and even presentations, the full extent of its possibilities are not demonstrated in this video. The use of little to no details and basic language leave the audience expecting more. Watching this poorly constructed video has definitely jaded my view of Scratch.
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